Wednesday, April 23, 2014

Moving on (1st post)

Hello there and welcome to my first attempt at blogging... Here i will be writting about me and about random stuff i like. Let's start!

My name is Claudio and i'm currently studying anthropology in Universidad de Chile in Santiago, but i'm originally from La Serena and the most of my family live there.

You may be wondering why the "starting all over again" thing in the title. Well, i studied other degree (law) in the same university for over 3 years. I was actually starting my fourth year when i decided to quit and do the PSU (university selection test) once again. I'm convinced that students are way too young and unprepared to choose their degrees right after finishing highschool, but that's another subject...

I live here with my two brothers and my main interests are music, sports and literature

Thats all pals, till next time!

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